Monday, 6 January 2014


Birds in Sydney: The White Ibis

Walking around in Sydney's parks you'll see one bird most oftenly: The white Ibis.
Ibis, Ibis...sounds familiar? Well, if you think now about egyptian mythology you're not too wrong. There is actually a similar bird in Egypt (which is endangered in these days) called the sacred Ibis, which was being related to the god Thot, who took care of science, writing, magic and the calender. The sacred Ibis was and is seen as a symbol for good luck.
But in Australia it's better known for being a pest since they overpopulated in the citys of the east coast and got the nickname "Bin birds". You can find them in probably every park in Sydney.

Other animals I've seen so far in Australia and published pictures of are the Wallabys and the Parrots.

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