Wednesday, 1 January 2014


How 2014 arised from a firework like a phoenix

The first things that came into my mind when I thought about Sydney before coming here were the Opera House and the big firework display on new years eve.
So when I came to Australia I had no real plans what I wanna do in particular beside one thing: I wanted to be in Sydney at New Years Eve to see the big firework display.
I actually thought about cancelling that point when I was in Tasmania as I made some really good friends who were having a big New Years Eve party and I was thinking about if it may not be more importent to celebrate with friends and having a good party rather than seeing a big firework display. What do you think, what's more importent for you?

But in the end I made my decision to leave Tassy, because I got the feeling that I somehow got stuck on that little island and well, how often would I be in Sydney on New Years Eve, right?
Julia and me

Well, when I finally arrived in Sydney I started worrying a little bit. I think I underestimated how big the firework gonna be. This is one of the biggest events in the whole year for Sydney. Millions of people gather along the harbor to have a good view and billions watch it online. Everyone recommends to start picknicking in the morning to have a good spot because of the huge amount of people.

Well, I was too lazy to do that, honestly. I prefered to chill out the day and watch some episodes of Red Dwarf with my housemates - a low budget BBC-Scifi-production from the 90s worth a look!
Then out of a sudden I got a call from an austrian girl, Julia, who invited me to a houseparty in her school, where they had a magnificant view of the Sydney bridge and harbor. And that's exactly why I don't worry anymore about plans. In the end it simply allways works out. I don't like that saying, but it turned out to be true: Just go with the flow! ;)

Most of the people at the party were so called Gappies (don't try to google that, this word seems not to be written down yet). Young people who worked for a gapyear in the school on which roof we were celebrating.

On my way home (or rather to the next party) I realised how badly organised the public transport system in Sydney is. Even though the authorities know how many people are on the street to watch the firework display all around the city they don't have enough buses to transport them all. Actually, the buses did not stop at the stops that night but 50m or so later to let people out but prevent people from entering the bus. So I had to run after the bus though I was waiting at the bus stop but was therefore lucky enough to jump in without paying for a ticket! :)
Others just fell asleep next to the bus stop, too tired of waiting for the buses that wouldn't stop for them.

More pictures of how Sydney let 2014 arise out of a firework like a phoenix can you find in this album on my G+page.

What are your New Year resolutions? Leave me a comment, I'm curious how fast you fail :p

Welcome to 2014! :)

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