Wednesday, 22 January 2014


The blog is dead - long live the blog!

I haven't written anything on this blog for more than a week now.

I'm still alive, don't worry.
But I won't publish anymore posts on this blog...

Because...*drum roll*...I've been busy building a complete new website with integrated galleries to deliver a much better reading experience! :D

Caused by already-used domain-names, I had to rename my blog a little bit. Off and away with dancingroundtheworld.blogspot.far-too-long-domain-name, here comes the all new*, shiny, totally awesome, never-before-seen...(already excited?)...!!!

I hope you enjoy it! There's already new content online. I'd be thankful as well to get some feedback how you like it and what I could improve in your opinion. ;)

The blog is dead, long live the blog!

*I've migrated all my previous posts to the new website, but beside that it's all new :)

P.S.: Did you ever try to make a picture-query for "long live the queen"? Really not what I would've expected...