Tuesday, 17 December 2013


Advent Calendar: 17th December

A few days ago I've been in Launceston (the second biggest city in Tassy) to a farmer market and saw this sign there. Whenever you go on this island to a supermarket you read at least 500-times "Buy Tasmanian Products" or "Choose Tasmian!". So, they put a lot of effort into making people buy local food which is pretty good, I would love to see that in Austria.

But on this farmer market they sold not only the common stuff like vegetables and fruits but also furry of Wallabies and Kangaroos and home cooked jams (I tried an onion jam - no added sugar, but it was so sweet, unbelievable!) and home cooked convenient food (yeah, strange, isn't it?).

And after three weeks on this island I have to admit: I do not only love food, I love Tasmania too!

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