Tuesday, 17 December 2013


Advent Calendar: 18th Decmber

This cute little guy is a Japanese macaques monkey who lives in an enclosure in the Launceston City Park (there are no monkeys in the wild in Tassy, everything that looks similar to a monkey is probably an Opossum). The enclosure is free to visit, it's in the middle of the park!

But be sure not to climb into the enclosure, the monkeys got Hepatitis B (which is not dangerous for them but for you if you hug them). And yes, I'm pretty serious about that you shouldn't climb in because I've heard a story about two drunken guys who climbed in, smashed the electric fence, which fell into the water that surrounds the enclosure and weren't able to get out anymore because every time they tried to get through the water, they got an electric shock. In the end they got rescued by a friend who had a ladder and lived nearby.

Don't think too much about it, I'm conscious about some logical issues with this story, but it was too funny not to share it. ;)

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