Monday, 9 December 2013


Advent Calendar: 8.5th December

With some delay here comes the 8th of December (no reception in the bushes on the beach):

There are a lot of Wallabys in Tasmania. Either alive or dead on the street, you can see them everywhere. Especially in the night they love it to jump in front of your car, attracted by the lights of the car (their eyes are really, really bad). I like to call those Suicide-Wallabys.

All in all it’s worth to have a drive during the night in Tassy, you will see most of the wild animals living here during that time (I think, I’ve even had a short glimpse on a Tasmanian Devil!)…but for sure you shouldn’t drive too fast then if you don’t want to support the suicidal character of the wallabies!

While hiking in the Freyscinet National Park the other day we saw a few wallabies during daytime but none of them got as close as this one at the parking space where we parked our car.
We even pet it, so fluffy!

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