Wednesday, 25 December 2013


Advent Calendar: 24th December

With my last Advent Calendar post I send you a warm fire that should keep you warm and safe on Christmas Eve. I hope you all enjoy christmas with your family!
I took this picture when we camped at the - what a coincidence - Bay of Fire.

I’m now in the plane to Sydney after spending Christmas Eve with my friends from Tassy eating self-made vietnamese spring rolls, chinese rice dish, austrian christmas biscuits and self picked raspberries (which is a really hard job, when I tried it I ate more than I put into the bags - I don't have a clue how someone could make money out of that). 

I want to thank all of you guys who made each day of the advent time so special for me! All the messages I got from Europe brought me the christmas feeling that is absent here! Thank you so much! :D

When I made up the Christmas Kangorooh in my last post I didn’t know what you could find when you google it, but my mom found this…let’s say different Christmas story which I just have to share with all of you: Christmas in Australia

Even though the advent is over now I’ll go on posting more short stories every few days rather than only big posts every now and than, so stay tuned and go on checking my blog regularly (it’s really a joy to know that you read that rather than writing only for myself…;)

Merry Christmas! Bon apetite =)

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