Sunday, 8 December 2013


Advent Calendar: 7th December

This is an oyster. Fresh from the sea at a place called Triubanna on the east coast of Tassy.
I stayed the last two days at this place, was kayaking here and had a really good time. Corinne, our host, lives next to a bay where we could collect fresh wild oysters. And in her garden we cooked them (a lot of them, I think none of her couchsurfers gonna eat seafood in the next weeks) on a fire heated oven and prepared them in vietnamise way (because a girl from Vietnam stays here too right now) with oil and leech.
I was surprised that the raw ones actually taste good (even though nothing for people who don’t like seafood for sure) but cooked in this way it’s much better!

Bon apetite!

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